S/y “Polski Hak” was designed and built to conduct long oceanic cruises, especially to demanding regions of the north and south pole, within the high sea conditions. And, she proves to sail there, providing safety and comfort of the voyage.
In order for s/y ”Polski Hak“ to successfully meet such high requirements a list of basic assumptions was formulated in the design stage, and then precisely implemented during the building process . It consists of following topics:
S/Y” Polski Hak “was designed to be an unsinkable vessel. The division of the yacht into watertight compartments was carried out in such a way that damage of two of them will not lead to sinking.
Such a construction solution is rare to none for boats of her size.
This quality of a ship is understood as the ability to navigate and survive at sea under the most difficult conditions. The yacht is sailing with dry decks at rough sea. This feature provides good working and living conditions onboard. Experience proved as the conditions at sea become more difficult, the more the benefits of s/y” Polski Hak” become apparent.
The boat was designed for the average speed 8-9 knots under the sails or the engine. This allows the yacht to cover an average daily distance of 200 nm. The underwater hull construction was optimized for the high hydrodynamic efficiency, which not only result in reaching the distance of 240nm per day in moderate sailing conditions, but also economize the fuel consumption. This feature is very important for the heavy exploration boat.
The autonomy for the boat is founded for a period of five months. During this period the vessel can conduct exploration voyages on artic seas without additional supply.
The storage capacity of the yacht provides the space for food and spares necessary to autonomic sailing in comfortable conditions.
Fuel (diesel) - 17 000l
Oil (kerosene) - 1 200l
Fresh water - 3 000l
Sewage - 4 000l ( black and gray water)
Tanks for sewage are essential to sail the protected areas of National Parks .
In addition, the yacht has large cooling ( 800 l ) and freezing ( 650 l ) capacity, as well as other space for supplies ( provision and technical items).
All of this together allows not only for a long multi month journey to the most inaccessible regions of the world, but also to perform this in unique comfort.
Ventures to the most remote areas of the world require the highest reliability.
On board of s/y” Polski Hak “the reliability has been achieved by:
- Careful selection of different systems and the choosing of proper equipment for this purpose from the very beginning of the design process, through the construction, and building phases;
- Vital systems were duplicated : thus we have 2 generators, 2 water desalinations, 2 radars, 2 autopilots;
- On board there is a spacious engine room, which allows to maintain easily the works in the area, as well as the workshop for the repair and service works.
The boat also has sufficient storage space to take all necessary spare parts, tools
and materials to maintain the boat in perfect condition.
When thinking of long sailing voyages in high latitude the imagination or experience make us feel the discomfort of chill and dampness all over. This is simply not true in case of s/y “Polski Hak.” It is always warm, dry and cozy onboard. Inside all cabins and bathrooms there are installed heat radiators. In the messroom there is a fireplace fueled by kerosene. In addition, the yacht has an extremely solid thermal insulation, which makes it comfortable in all weather conditions and is perfectly dry. The conditions for keeping watch are very friendly as well. A spacious steering house protects the crew against chill and humidity. In the wheelhouse there is a handy dryer for oilskins. The main dryer for wet clothes and shoes is situated inside the boat next to companionway.
Exceptional insulation of ceilings and sides creates very good thermal conditions during sailing in conditions with high temperatures, because it prevents the yacht from warming. A special advantage of s/y” Polski Hak” is the interior. The interior is designed in a very functional and ergonomic way. As a result, the comfort of life aboard is similar to those you find on the tall ships.
Another assumption was to design the deck and rigging for two people to make all the basic maneuvers while sailing under the sails.
Practice confirms the validity of the assumption. Four crew members can safely sail and live on board during long passages.
Thou this is the last point of our assumption list, it was the dream to create a yacht that will distinguish her beauty among others, and will find the recognition of experts and sailing enthusiasts. We are proud to acknowledge the success. This is confirmed by numerous opinions which have been expressed on her during our trips to many ports of the world. S/y” Polski Hak” has been designed as a modern vessel, using contemporary knowledge in all fields of engineering, but she has respected the tradition and beauty of old tall ships, testifying that this aspect of maritime heritage is still very important.
We cordially invite YOU to get interested closer in the yacht s/y” POLSKI HAK.”